This cancer factsheets series produced by the JRC in collaboration with the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) provide an overview of the cancer disease burden in EU-27.
The factsheets collect, condense and communicate information on the second most common cause of death in the European Union after cardiovascular diseases.
Cancer factsheets inform the reader about regional differences in incidence and mortality rates within Europe, on sex patterns and on trends over the last decades. They present a simple, yet up-to-date, review of information from different reliable sources in one single document.
The cancer factsheets are based on data provided by the ENCR-affiliated cancer registries and available in the data explorer section of the ECIS web application.
Pancreatic cancer factsheet in 2020 for EU-27 countries
A new factsheet for cancer of the pancreas is ready! Up-to-date 2020 estimates and time trends for pancreatic cancer incidence and mortality from ECIS.